
Sept. 21, 2022

11. Krista Sande-Kerback - Simple Practices for Self Care

We spend so much time focusing on our healthcare and nutrition, but what if self-care can be simple and easy-achievable? Krista is a good friend of mine, and she is sharing simple and effective means of self care. It’s ok…
Sept. 21, 2022

10. Angelica Rodriguez - Taking Baby Steps Towards More Movement and Better Health

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same can be said for changing our thought patterns. When you’re trying to unravel years of self-doubt, you have to be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself the grace to do the best you can…
Sept. 19, 2022

09. Start Telling a Different Story Today

We spend so much of our lives having dietary dogma shoved down our throats only to go and tell ourselves the same harmful things about our bodies! The stories we tell ourselves can be powerful and motivating, or they can be…
Sept. 16, 2022

08. Tami Parker - Getting Smoothly Through Perimenopause

What we tend to think of as menopause is really perimenopause. Tami Parker is a Holistic Nutritionist and founder of Planted in Health LLC, and she is dropping some little-known truths about menopause on us today. Estrogen…
Sept. 15, 2022

07. Betsy - Fighting Against Your Old Programming Through Inner Work

The way our society equates physical appearance with health is f****d up. Even when Betsy lost 100 pounds, she didn’t feel any better. She couldn’t feel truly happy with herself until she stopped letting the number on the …
Sept. 14, 2022

06. Donna McPherson - Reshaping Your Health Trajectory

We are in control of our health. Even when there are external factors or genetic predispositions that could threaten our health, we need to take accountability for our choices. Donna has been able to take her family’s tragi…
Sept. 13, 2022

05. Cheryl Whitelaw - Building an Identity About Yourself

When you stop judging yourself for the choices you make in your health journey, you start finding freedom. So many women carry the burden of what we should be doing with our lives, but Cheryl has been able to take back her …
Sept. 12, 2022

04. Jill’s Thoughts - The Power in Acceptance and Feeling Your Feelings

Feelings have a purpose. They guide us and pave the path for our journey. Jill is a board-certified nutrition specialist, and she knows what a huge impact food and feelings have on our mental and physical health. Even the m…
Sept. 9, 2022

03. Committing to Being Healthier Instead of Thinner

Being afraid of the repercussions of not losing weight isn’t going to make you thinner. Fear is a great motivator in short spurts, but it’s not the answer to long-term success. This lesson is something that Carla had to lea…
Sept. 8, 2022

02. Patty Blakesly - Changing the Beliefs and Language Around Food and Your Body

“To have a true lasting transformation, there has to be true and lasting change.” Patty Blakesly is what she calls “an inner business coach” who realized it is never too late to change because health is in our control. Patty…
Sept. 7, 2022

01. Rev. Dr. Deb Walters - The Habit of Prioritizing Others Over Self

Can the power of faith be used to repair the wounds left by society’s pressure for women to be thin? Board-certified chaplain, grief counselor, and author Rev. Dr. Deb Walters shares her long battle with her image of her. In…